We're back. This time we are staying in a different location, but the accommodations are similar. I have to publicly apologize to all of my friends. I'm so sorry I have not called and/or written as much lately. With the house hunt and the constant travel for hubby's work, I feel a touch out of touch. :) We are not planning anything special this trip but we hope to be back home for the Christmas celebrations. I pray that life will return to normal soon.
On another note...hubby and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary. It is hard to believe that the time has flown so quickly. I am very thankful that we have been able to enjoy each others company for so long. Today's culture does not encourage couples to work on their marriage, but to dispose of it if something is not going according "to plan". I am thankful to have a hubby that loves me. And I love him. ... Recently I ran across a book that we went thru as we were first married. The pastor at our church had recommended it. I think that we might go back thru the books as a reminder to love bilically and stretch our love farther. The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott. They are designed to be done in tandem and open your eyes to a way of looking at your marriage biblically.
I hope all of you have a great holiday season and enjoy all of the blessings given to you. God has blessed us and I pray the same for you.