Ahh. My first hurricane. For a storm-a-phobic this is a little unnerving. We leave in a little over a day, but the storm path is predicted to come ashore and hit center just north of here. If you watch the weather channel, you get scared real quick. If you watch local weather predictions for the area, you relax. Who is to be believed? I can handle rain. Wind...a little. But 75 mile per hour wind? Not so sure. So, I pray that we leave before it hits full. Pray with me. It makes me feel better. :) Hubby works so our departure is all up to him. I am praying he gets to come back early. Here's to hoping. Thanks for your prayers.
For all my friends that are living in the path of this thing, I'm praying for you too.
I'm actually a little excited.:) We have food and water. Kiddos are sleeping away from windows. Of course we pray for everyone to be okay and I do hope we don't lose power. :)