My number one, burning question, is why do others feel so invested in the little decisions that I make? These are not the decisions that could later turn my life on its head, nor are they the kind that impact others significantly. My hubby and I decided last year that after Christmas was over, we were going to take time and actually enjoy all of the holidays. I know, that sounds like common sense. But when you realize that we have five to six places we go each holiday, it gets a little nerve racking. Christmas is the worse but the other holidays are also in play here.
So here we are at Easter this year. The first time that someone had to hear..."we are not going to be there this year." I have never seen a bunch of adult type people try to control so much that was not their business. I actually had the age thing played twice! I love my family, but if our family is to ever enjoy a holiday celebration, we have to limit how many we do in one day. Everyone will get a chance, I promise. And yes grandpas and grandmas are getting older. Not to sound bad, but so am I, and so are my children. I want every moment to be remembered.
Lots of rant and a lot of truth, sprinkled with concern and confusion. Why is it so hard to understand that we are trying to enjoy our children and set good memories? Is it that others feel guilty that we are doing something that they never had the guts to do? Or is it that I am overly sensitive to everything that people say concerning my parenting decisions? Probably some combination of all of the above. I just want everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy. Happy Easter. We truly enjoyed every moment.